Monday, August 17, 2015

Get Organized: It's Giveaway Time!!

With summer winding down and the start of another school year on the horizon, it's time to get organized!  Even though I don't have any real reason to follow the school year timeline at this point, something about seeing all those back to school photos on Facebook always makes me want to run out and snag up ALL the school supplies!

This year, my friends at Bloom Daily Planners hooked me up with some awesome grown-up organizational supplies!  They produce everything from daily planners and notebooks to file folders and binders.  And I just love their pretty designs!!

One of my favorite items they create are planning pads!  The grocery list and meal planning pads are phenomenal for a newbie meal planner like me!  They also offer a really neat daily planning pad that allows you to keep track of exercise, meals, glasses of water, your to-do's for the day, and even something you are thankful for each day.  Even with all the modern technology of unlimited tracking devices and calorie counter apps, there is just something motivating about writing everything down on paper.

Thanks to the lovely ladies over at Bloom, I have a fun prize pack to giveaway to one of YOU!!  Good'll definitely make great use of these items!

Andrea :)


  1. Looks like a great group of products!

  2. Ooooh, planners, notebooks, list pads.... I'm sold! :)

  3. I love the Teal Daily Planner To Do Pad! This would be very helpful!
