My Memorial Day Weekend was as near perfect as it gets. I had a relaxing time with my family in Kentucky. It all started with my
much less than perfect trek to KY via a very long, drawn out Delta flight, but then the fun began. I told my parents to hold off on making the drive to Jordan's until later in the day on Friday so I could have some uninterrupted Brinley time.
Love that she is looking right at me here. |
So cute :) |
They followed directions pretty well. However, by mid-afternoon, my whole family was present at Jordan's. This was the first time we had all been together with Brinley. We all had fun passing her around and waiting for her to wake up so we could pass her around again. Jordan and Jen even trusted us enough to leave us alone with her for the first time since she was born while they went to run a few errands.
Grandpa got her to sleep. He is good at that. |
Wide awake for some pictures with Auntie :) |
Back asleep again with Grandma... |
We even took a walk before we went to dinner at one of my favorite spots - Cracker Barrel. Yum, Yum! Check out three generations of Heflin women :)
We went to pick up Chris at the airport around 11pm. Brinley had fallen asleep and I thought he wouldn't be able to see her until the next morning, but when we got back, Jordan had waited up for us. She was asleep, but Chris held her for a few minutes before we all got ready for bed.
Chris said he didn't think he'd ever held such a newborn before. |
The next morning, McKinley arrived bright and early for our Louisville day trip. We toured Four Roses Distillery (Chris and I are on a mission to complete the KY Bourbon Trail...but that's a post all on its own.) and the Muhammed Ali Museum. We also met one of my best friends from high school at Chick-fil-A for lunch. I love that place!! We had a great time on our little adventure. Lots of fun, lots of learning, and lots of advice.
Chris and I gave Jordan another gift before we left for our adventure. |
Clearly having a great time :) |
Me and Nick....we've been friends FOREVER :) |
We were both excited to tour the museum. Definitely recommend it! |
Chris shadowboxing with Ali. Love it! |
That night Jordan grilled out and we had a fun night of relaxation topped off with some homemade ice cream. The guys played Rook until the wee hours of the morning. On Sunday, we slept in and went to the 11:30am service at Southland.
Daddy got me all dressed up for church. |
We had another relaxing day topped off with more delicious food and a movie night. McKinley snuggled up with me and Chris on the couch :) We finally saw Haywire, but Chris wasn't too impressed in the end.
Getting more comfortable holding little Brinley :) |
Checking out her crazy Uncle!! |
All ready for the movies in the icebox basement... |
Monday was sad because it was our last day. It passed by so quickly.
We took an impromptu family photo session right before we left for the
airport. Here are some classics.
Cute little family :) |
Sibling shot with screaming Brinley!! |
McKinley is hilarious and Brinley is happy to have her paci :) |
Gotta love self-timers...turned out GREAT :) |
And here's one last picture of me and my cute little niece...I already miss her so much!!
I love you little girl!!! |
Andrea :)