Monday, April 30, 2018

Book Reviews: Read the Rainbow (Green)

This year, I decided to link up with Mia to Read the Rainbow. I only managed to get through one green book this month, but I did start a second one that I hope to finish soon.

I was intrigued by the previews for this movie when it was released a few years ago, but never got around to checking it out. I honestly can't decide if I'm more interested or less interested in the movie after reading the book. The story is fairly predictable (and somewhat unbelievable), but it was a quick read and kept my interest as there was significant build out of the characters. The book was just ok, but the story itself is interesting from a psychological perspective. Now I just need to figure out if I want to make time for the movie version of the tale.

Did you read anything interesting this month?

Andrea :)

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