Sunday, March 24, 2013

30 before 30 - Month Eight Recap

write letter to family or friend

This month I sent a note to a family friend, Edna.  She is a bit like an aunt to me though we aren't technically related.  She is one of the funniest people I know.  Always full of hilarious stories and adventures.  Hopefully, my note brought her a little cheer this time!  The pictures above are from when she and her daughter visited me in the NYC last summer.  We had some yummy pinkberry and Baked by Melissa cupcakes and hung out at highline park one afternoon.  It was a blast!

3 monthly goals

1) Finish Year 2 scrapbook.
99% done.  I have a couple of handwritten items to insert, but I need Chris for those. After inserting those it will be 100% done.  Yay!!

2) Start (and stick with) my read through the Bible in 90 days.
I am reading through the Bible...about halfway through Numbers now.  I am a bit off track with the 90 day plan, but I am hoping to eventually catch up to it.  Regardless, I have every intention of following through with reading it even if it takes me a little longer than 90 days.

3) Go to a Broadway show.
Done. I went to see Annie with my friend, Bukola.  It was a lot of fun.  Check out my post about it here.

facetimes with Brinley

 Our first facetime this month involved the whole family.  My brother and sister-in-law took turns showing me how Brinley can walk with you holding her hands and helping her.  She was still getting her legs under her, but it won't be long until she takes off.  She is such a cutie and loves laughing and squealing.  She is so happy....and just adorable!  Wish I was going to be seeing her in person soon, but I still have quite a few weeks :(

Having a little fun with raspberries :)
We facetimed again later in the month.  She was just finishing up some yummy carrots.  I watched her try to eat a slice of a small tangerine.  She was loving it!  Eventually, she finished up there and was able to play for a bit.  She was really crawling around and getting into everything.  It was particularly fun when she would get distracted by the phone and come crawling (and giggling) toward me.  I can't wait to see her again in person.  May can't get here soon enough!!  She is an absolute doll!!

Date Night

Chris and I weren't able to spend too much time together this month due to our work schedules, but we did have one fun date night in there.  I recapped it as a part of this post.  It was fun to try out a new spot and spend some quality time together in the midst of all the busyness lately.

Girls' Night

I did have a girls' night out for dinner this past month.  It wasn't the regular crew, but it was a lot of fun.  We went to a thai restaurant called Room Service in Hell's Kitchen.  I didn't get any pictures of the group - me, Mary, Reba, and Hollie, but I did snag a few of the food!  I had the pineapple fried rice...DELISH!!

I marked 1 item off the list!!

28 - try (at least) 6 new foods: 1) meatloaf (liked it) 2) asparagus and artichoke ricotta ravioli (liked it) 3) homemade cranberry sauce (it was ok) 4) salad (just can't do!) 5) split pea soup (didn't like it) 6) white pizza (didn't like it at all)

Andrea :)


  1. Split pea soup, bleck! I'm with you there! :)

  2. I cannot do the split pea soup - but the white pizza is one of my FAVORITES!

    Cranberry sauce is one of those individual taste kind of things - some people like it chunky with chunks of the berries, some people don't. Give me the kind in a can you just slice up..LOL.

    Ravioli - YUM, YUM, YUM - the spinich/chicken is my favorite flavor!

  3. That letter really meant a lot to mom too!

  4. That letter meant so much to Mom too!
