Happy 4th of July!!!
yummy and healthy dessert I made to celebrate! |
Yay for being American!! And the countdown to my birthday has officially begun :) I missed out on posting yesterday so I am doubling up on Day 3 and 4 today.
[Day 3]: Tell us about an article of clothing you're attached to.
To be honest, I had a lot of trouble thinking of a single piece of clothing. There are lots of different items that through the years I have kept, but mostly just because I'm not that great at cleaning out my closet. However, the pieces I have the most trouble parting with are those that have logos of events I worked or races I ran. Even though it is very rare that I wear those shirts/polos outside of the event or race day, I have a closet stacked full of them. I've gotten to the point with work where I purposely ask for sizes that don't fit so I can give them away rather than keep them. Even though it is quite rare that I wear these items, they have so much sentimental value that I just can't throw them out.
[Day 4]: What's your favorite childhood memory?
I have many wonderful childhood memories, but what I remember most is how excited I was EVERY year for Thanksgiving to roll around. Thanksgiving meant everyone came to our house when I was a kid. I loved that. It was always so exciting to get up on that Wednesday morning to wait for all of the out-of-town guests to begin arriving for their stay at our house. I had bunk beds so I always got a roommate. We had about 7-8 extra people at our house for the Thanksgiving break. And we had SOOOOOO much fun. We stayed up late playing board games and cards and just talking. We had Rook tournaments with trophies for the winners and dreaded Earthcake (long story, but let's just say you did NOT want to have to eat it) for the losers. We played Psychiatrist and the Broom Game (which we still use to initiate new people into our family - Chris got his dose the first time he came back to KY with me). We had great food and great fun. One year my cousin Kenneth and I even came up with the 9lb 5oz club that you could only be in if you weighed at least that much when you were born....and yes, we both did....and yes, I think we only made it up in order to exclude my annoying (at the time) brother, but you better believe we never forgot it. I think these memories are the reason why I have always preferred Thanksgiving to Christmas. Now that I live so far from home, I have been going back for Christmas each year and missing all those fun Thanksgivings, but hopefully I can make it back this year because I sure hate to miss those memorable, yet awkward family photos that ALWAYS get taken as families depart the party on turkey day...especially since this was one they took without me recently...haha....
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poor quality picture, but totally classic... |
Enjoy your holiday!! Don't forget to join the fun by linking up with Sar.
Andrea :)
"The dreaded earthcake"...sounds horrid! That's so darn sweet, Andrea!